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10 Questions for Jackie Chan dari berbagai pihak

What was the most difficult stunt you've performed in a movie?
Robert Quach, DALLAS
The shopping-mall scene in Police Story where I jumped onto the chandelier and slid down 75 ft. (23 m). There was no protection. [After landing] I had to get up, grab the bad guy and punch him, all in one shot. That stunt was like suicide.

What was it like beating up Jet Li in The Forbidden Kingdom? In a real fight, who would win?
In a real fight, I would let him win. He's my younger brother. Beating Jet was very fun. Sometimes he helped me, sometimes I helped him. When the cut was finished, I'd still give him two punches and he'd still block me, then he'd give me a kick and I'd block him. It was like sparring.

Do you have a special diet or can you eat anything you want?
Lori Richman, PONDER, TEXAS
Today I'm not like how I used to be. I know I have to run 20 more minutes if I eat ice cream. Basically, I eat everything, but I just do more training.

What message do you want to send with the movie Shinjuku Incident?
Christine Susanna Tjhin, JAKARTA
We want to send out a message to our people from China, from Indonesia, from Malaysia: no country is like home. When you're in Japan, when you're in America, you're nobody. I play a nobody in Japan. Somehow all the temptations keep coming and you can't fight them. If we can send out a message that nobody should escape from a boat illegally to Japan or even Australia or America, that you should just stay where you are, then that's a good message.

Do you think your audience is ready to accept Jackie Chan, the dramatic actor?
Derek Logan edmonton, CANADA
I have no idea. Making a movie is gambling. You don't know whether audiences will like it or not. Just like when I was making New Police Story. I thought, Should I make this kind of movie, where I'm crying, depressed and not like a hero anymore? But the movie came out and the results were so good. Then I made Rob-B-Hood, where I'm a thief who kidnaps babies. The audience accepted it. Slowly, I'm letting audiences see that I can do everything.

Does this movie indicate the end of your action-movie career?
Yu Wang gold coast, AUSTRALIA
No, definitely not. I just finished Big Soldier, Small General, which is an action movie. Then maybe next year, I'll have a drama. It's not like how it used to be, when every movie was about action stunts. I'm tired, and I think audiences are tired, too.

You're hilarious! Where does your humor come from?
I don't know. I think it was natural born. I just love to make people laugh. I love to create new action with comedy together. Just myself, happy-go-lucky.

Will we ever see a Jackie Chan – Bollywood collaboration?
Raghavendra Nelli, SAN DIEGO
That's one I really want to do. Last year, we were going to do one, but there were some problems, so we stopped. We'll probably start again this year.

Do you think Chinese actors are restricted to kung fu movies in order to succeed in Hollywood?
At this moment, I believe yes. In Hollywood, they have so many good actors, but if you're talking about action, there's nobody. We're not talking about fake, special-effect action stars like Superman and Batman. Anyone can be a Superman, but nobody can be Jackie Chan.

Who has been the most influential figure in your life?
I think Bruce Lee was one of them. When he came out, I was a stuntman. I was thinking I want to be Bruce Lee one day — that was my dream. Every time I saw him, I went and did training. When I got depressed, I watched Bruce Lee movies. I learned everything from Bruce Lee.

sumber:Time Magazine


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